SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Songs of Abdul
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Docmonde Songs of Abdul

Songs of Abdul ( Pesni Abdula )
Anna Moiseenko
2016 - Russie/Tadjikistan/France - Couleur - 66'

Abdul, who hails from Tajikistan, has come to Moscow to send some money to his family back home in his native village, lost in the Pamir mountains. But Abdul is above all a singer. He sings the traditional songs of Pamir and through them tells the sometimes difficult episodes of his life in Moscow. A poetic ballad by a contemporary Ulysses. Work in progress

Photography : Anna Moiseenko, Elena Shalkina, Maxime Alochin, Anastasia Patlay
Sound : Vasily Amochkin
Editing : Qutaiba Barhamji
Music : Abdumamad Bekmamadov
Production : Shatters, Centre Culturel Bactria, Ardèche Images Production, Lyon Capitale TV