SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Moravian Hellas
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Doc Route: Czech Republic — And a detour by Slovakia Moravian Hellas

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Moravian Hellas ( Moravská Hellas )
Karel Vachek
1963 - Tchécoslovaquie - Noir & Blanc - 35'

Moravian Hellas is a sarcastic essay that both uses and parodies documentary traditions, the film depicts the absurd “folklore festivities“, encoraged by the Communist Party and sponsored by the state, in the small village of Stranice. Self-proclaimed showmen, traffickers and etnographers compete for attention among bizzare artefacts and “traditional crafts“ of the socialist epoch.

Photography : Jozef Ort-Šnep
Sound : Benjamin Astrug, Lubomír Zajíc
Editing : Ludvík Pavlíček
Production : Krátký Film Praha, Studio Populárnĕ Vĕdechkých a Naučných Filmů
Distribution : Radim Procházka Productions (info@radimprochazka.com, +420 222 212 041)