SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Kinshasa Symphony
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Africa Kinshasa Symphony

Kinshasa Symphony
Martin Baer, Claus Wischmann
2010 - Allemagne - Couleur - 95'

In utter darkness, two hundred musicians are playing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony – “Ode to Joy”. A power cut occured just a few measures before the final phrase came to an end. No big deal for the only symphony orchestra in Congo. Since it was created fifteen years ago, this orchestra have lived through two coups d’état, several crises and a civil war. Luckily, there is passion for music and hope in a better future. Kinshasa Symphony accompanies men and women who are experimenting a complex system of collective life - a symphony orchestra -, in one of the most chaotic big cities of the world. This film portrays Congo, inhabitants of Kinshasa and love for music.

Photography : Martin Baer
Sound : Pascal Capitolin
Editing : Peter Klum
Music : Jan Tilman Schade
Production : Sounding Images GmbH, Rbb, WDR
Distribution : Sounding Images (Caroline.beiersdorf@sounding-images.de, +49 30 47 37 58 48)