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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Interventions in the Public Space Étranges Étrangers

Étranges Étrangers
Marcel Trillat, Frédéric Variot
1970 - France - Couleur - 58'

In the night of December 31th, 1969 and January 1st, 1970, five African workers died of suffocation in a hostel in Aubervilliers, a Paris suburb. In the post 68 context, this drama received national political as well as media attention. Marcel Trillat visited the shantytowns of Aubervilliers and Nanterre with the aim of meeting the Portuguese or African immigrants who lived there. Made up of new style shots and interviews, this film forcefully denounces France's immigration policies of the time.

Photography : Frédéric Variot
Sound : Henri Roux
Editing : Catherine Dehaut
Production : Scopcolor
Distribution : Archives départementales de la Seine-Saint-Denis (pmalpertu@cg93.fr, +33 (0)1 43 93 96 86)