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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 The Documentary Fable Love and Metamorphoses

Love and Metamorphoses ( Amori e Metamorfosi )
Yanira Yariv
2015 - France - Couleur - 88'

A few kilometers away from Rome, the sand dunes of Sabaudia, the Circeo marshes and the Arpino mountain waterfall become the backdrops to fabulous transformations: Callisto is changed into a bear, Jupiter metamorphoses into Diane, Glaucus becomes a sea monster and the nymph Salamachis melds into the body of the young Hermaphrodite. But each of these transformations also plays on those of their performers, thus giving a new twist to Ovid’s Metamorphoses and questioning the role of gender and identity in our society.

Photography : Armel Hostiou, Christophe Clavert
Sound : Gabriele Speduti, Mirko Fabbri
Editing : Béatrice Kordon, Enrica Ordonneau Gattolini, Sandra Ach
Production : Acis Productions
(acisproductions@free.fr, +33 (0)6 86 18 41 61)