SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Chilefilm
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Peter Nestler Chilefilm

Chilefilm ( Lördags Chile )
Peter Nestler
1974 - Suède - Noir & Blanc - 24'

This film produced by Swedish television but never broadcast is aimed at an audience of young people with the goal of connecting Pinochet’s dictatorship to its economic and social causes. It is a remarkable montage of varied images, including photographs by Thomas Billhardt and Karl-Erik Jagare, accompanied at times by original music by Luis Francisco Roca, a Chilean refugee in Sweden, and Argentinian composer Ramón Chávez.

Auteur : Peter Nestler, en collaboration avec Zsóka Nestler
Image : Peter Nestler
Son : Sveriges Television
Montage : Peter Nestler
Musique : Luis Francisco Roca, Ramon Chavez
Production : Sveriges Radio