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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc History: Romania Maria Tănase

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Maria Tănase
Laurențiu Damian
1986 - Roumanie - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 33'

Maria Tănase who died in 1963 was "the" great lady of Romanian song: the Romanian Edith Piaf. She won the Charles Cros Award in France. Her funeral was a grand affair, showing up her genuine popularity in contrast to the artificial cult created around Ceauşescu. Through the portrait of the singer, Damian paints an implicit portrait of the suffering of the Romanian people.

Image : Mircea Bunescu
Son : Maia Stepanenco, Silviu Viju
Montage : Nina Badea
Production : Sahia film
Distribution : Romanian Film Centre (asalcudeanu@yahoo.com, +40 21 3 100 672)