SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Birds of September
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Doc route: Lebanon Birds of September

Birds of September ( Touyour ayloul )
Sarah Francis
2013 - Liban/Qatar - Couleur - 99'

A glassed van roams the streets of Beirut, home to a camera that explores the city behind the glass. Along the way, several people are invited to share a personal moment in this moving confessional. Each one comes as a face, a body, a posture, a voice, an attitude, an emotion, a point of view, a memory. Their confessions are true, blunt, and intimate. However, soon enough, the van empties again, and roams Beirut, restlessly looking for something, for someone.

Image : Nadim Saoma
Son : Stéphane Rives, Sarah Francis
Montage : Zeina Aboul-Hosn, Farah Fayed
Musique : Jawad Nawfal, Stéphane Rives, Fadi Tabbal, Paed Conca
Production : Sarah Francis, Doha Film Institute