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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Doc route: Lebanon Geographies

Chaghig Arzoumanian
2015 - Liban - Couleur - 72'

Nazareth was twelve years old, Lousaper still a newborn, when the Armenian genocide was perpetrated in 1915. The film traces the paths of their solitary peregrination throughout exile; from their village of Burunkişla to Beirut, passing through Cairo and orphanages in Saïda and Jbeil before meeting again, years later, around a lunch table where they fell in love and decided to start a family. Nazareth’s eyes are those of my father, which are now mine.

Image : Chaghig Arzoumanian
Son : Karine Basha
Montage : Chaghig Arzoumanian
Musique : GIMP
Production : Chaghig Arzoumanian