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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Reruns Le Paysage dans 100 ans

Le Paysage dans 100 ans
Jean-Christian Riff
2016 - France - Couleur - 95'

Present landscapes of the North of France roll by in long tracking shots over the countryside, but also housing developments, factories, shopping centres, a camp of migrants… Over these images, a voice-over reads a personal diary which turns out to be that of Léon Poignant, a country school teacher mobilised during the First World War. His reflections on the permanence of nature and the rupture of landscapes infiltrates today’s images. Léon Poignant ends up asking this question: “What will be the landscape in a hundred years?” The film, through the mediation of his voice, raises this question, between the realism and abstraction of cinema: “What do we see? What is a landscape?”

Image : Aurélien Devaux
Son : Nicolas Paturle, Julien Cloquet, Olivier de Nesle
Montage : Laure Baudouin
Production : La Huit, Vosges TV