SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Gift From Afar
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Plein air The Gift From Afar

The Gift From Afar ( O Presente que veio de longe )
Tiago Hespanha
2008 - Portugal - Couleur - 5'

We stumbled across a great story at the cavaquinho manufacturer. In 1879, four hundred and twenty-three people from Madeira boarded an English ship bound for the other side of the world — Hawaii. One of them took with him a machete, a musical instrument derived from the cavaquinho. The Hawaiians, excited by the sound and rhythm of the little instrument called it a Ukulele, which means "jumpling flea".

Image : Pedro Pinho
Son : Frederico Lobo
Montage : Luísa Homem
Production : Lx Filmes (lxfilmes@lxfilmes.com, +351 218 650 490)
Distribution : Lx Filmes (lxfilmes@lxfilmes.com, +351 218 650 490)