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For The Best, and For The Onion!
Sani Elhadj Magori
2008 - Niger/France - Couleur - 52'

The Galmi purple, the onion from Niger, pervades West African markets with four hundred thousand tons a year. In Galmi, Salamatou’s been waiting for her wedding for two years. Her father Yaro, urged both by her future in-laws and the village gossip makes a decision : "The wedding will take place at the harvest !" Yaro is aware that to be up to his commitment this time, he has to produce more and sell at a higher price ...

Photography : Malam Saguirou, Salissou Rabé
Sound : Abdoulaye Adamou Mato, Ali Ibrahim
Editing : François Pit
Production : Dangarama, Adalios, TV Rennes 35
Distribution : Adalios (adalios@adalios.com, +33 (0)4 75 94 57 10)