Catalogue des films de « Serge Dietrich »

Coordonnées :

8 films
Le Grain de sable dans la machine
Son | France, Belgique | 2021

"Qui suis-je, moi, qui suis à la limite du vivant, pour oser m’adresser à vous, là-haut, au sommet de ce que la vie a créé de plus complexe ? Je ne suis rien, pas même un grain de sable, mais ce petit grain de sable a grippé votre belle...

Bienvenue chez les SOCCS
Son | France, Belgique | 2021

Quand ils ont quitté l’Afghanistan, Shahid et Abdul Wali n’étaient encore que des gamins. La France les a accueillis, mais elle ne pouvait leur rendre leur famille. Ils en ont trouvé une autre : le Saint-Omer Cricket Club Stars, en bref,...

Session d'Assises dans la cité
Montage | France | 2010

Our aim is to tell the story of the assizes session. Before and during a case, together with all the extra work. We will accompany the assizes president of Saint Omer and interview him about a fair criminal justice at a time where the media have...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment You White People
Montage | France, Espagne | 2007

"The first time I saw a white person, I was stunned, I thought that white people were strange animals or gods and I thought they never ate meat, but when I came closer to them, I realized that they are like us, except that they are some kind of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Thomas Sankara, l'homme intègre
Son | France | 2006

The Upright Man is Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. A remarkable man who challenged the generally accepted ideas about Africa and African people. This documentary retraces the 4 years of his mandate. This outstanding...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'école s'enflamme
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1998

Regularly, violence at school is the question of the moment in Belgium and in France as well. Through this documentary, we present the situation at the Marcel Tricot school in Brussels, which is declining, and the professional school Turgot in...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Si j'étais pas né...
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Belgique | 1997

Beside the martyr children of the paedophiliac people organised in criminal networks, there are all the boys and girls who suffer daily from the family's violence, secretly and far from the short-lived topicality of the problem. Today, the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Abira
Auteur-Réalisateur, Distributeur | Belgique | 1995

This is a world apart, both attractive and disappointing, one of the last surviving traditional trades. The bargeman, who lives on a barge as did his grand-parents and great-grand-parents before him, is one with his world even before he is...