Catalogue des films de « Niels Barletta »

3 films
Un homme libre
Son | France | 2014

Portrait of a priest, a brother in a Dominican monastery in Paris, who decides on approaching forty to become a teacher and discusses his human and spiritual journey, his homosexuality and his search for truth and freedom within the Catholic Church.

Physiopolis IV
Son | France | 2012

Two filmmakers go and make a documentary film on the strange island of Physiopolis, hidden behind a turn of the Seine river. The inhabitants, who try to keep the place secret, tell them about the forbidden part of the island. The ruins of an Art...

Son | France | 2011

Tom un Anglais d'une vingtaine d'années part à la recherche de son père biologique en République tchèque. Ses seuls indices pour le retrouver sont un prénom et une vieille photo. Il erre dans les rues de Prague en répétant inlassablement...