Catalogue des films de « Nick Mayow »

Coordonnées :

2 films
After Life
Auteur-Réalisateur, Son, Montage, Coproducteur | Nouvelle-Zélande | 2016

An enthralling look inside the hidden world of a New Zealand funeral home, “After Life” explores a unique, enigmatic institution, following the men and women who work with the dead and the delicate ritual of the body's preparation for its...

Le Taxidermiste
Auteur-Réalisateur, Son, Montage, Producteur délégué | Nouvelle-Zélande | 2013

Working from his ramshackle home studio in rural France, taxidermist Jacques Gilbert breathes new life into dead skin - transforming plaster, metal and flesh into eerily lifelike sculptured animals. From improvising his first animal at the age...