Catalogue des films de « Nathalie Vidal »

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15 films
Bonjour Monsieur Comolli
Son | France | 2023

In 2021 and 2022, filmmaker and film critic Jean-Louis Comolli and film director Dominique Cabrera meet up for a series of open conversations which are filmed. Also present is Isabelle Le Corff, who is in the process of writing a book about...

Un Mensch
Son | France | 2023

Dominique and Didier live together. As death hovers, Dominique films precious moments of a great love story.

Le Passage du col
Son | France | 2022

A pass. Through mountains : a road or way over or through mountains, a shrunken and narrow part of a cavity, a neck. The Cervix Pass is a performance film in which the director shifts her camera towards this inner cavity, on the occasion of her...

Son | France | 2021

Une ligne, le RER B, traversée du nord vers le sud. Un voyage à l’intérieur de ces lieux indistincts que l’on appelle la banlieue. Des rencontres : une femme de ménage à Roissy, un ferrailleur au Bourget, une infirmière à Drancy, un...

Le Fils de l'épicière, le Maire, le Village et le Monde
Son | France | 2020

In the village of Lussas, France, some people meet up in an old house which used to be the town grocery. Today, it is transformed into the headquarters of quite an unexpected business venture for this rural village. The group is busy creating a...

Ailleurs, Partout
Son | Belgique | 2020

A room, somewhere in England. a computer screen, images from all over the world. One click is all it takes to cross borders, whereas the tale of another journey unfolds in bits and pieces, through text messages, chats, phone conversations, and an...

Premières Solitudes
Son | France | 2018

Between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, if you’re lucky, you are in high school. In this film, you’re in Ivry, close to Paris. You chat between classes, sometimes during classes. Sitting in the corridors, outside on a bench or a ledge with a...

Son | France | 2017

Belinda is nine. Not the easily intimidated type. She loves life, she loves snow, ice to slide on, the children’s home where she lives with her sister. Belinda is fifteen. Not the type to work in a shoe shop. In mechanics at a pinch. Belinda is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Concours
Son | France | 2016

With "The Graduation", the director delves into the daily life of the Parisian cinema school, la Fémis. Through the admission process, the hard work all year and the graduation exams, "The Graduation" establishes a portrait of our relationship to...

Son | France | 2015

La lecture est un voyage qui enflamme l’esprit et élargit l’horizon. Parfois, on découvre un auteur et on ne veut plus le quitter. On veut lire tous ses livres, et pourquoi pas le rencontrer. Annie Le Brun est une poète et essayiste...

15 films