Catalogue des films de « Maurizio Tiella »

5 films
Des cœurs bombardés
Image | France | 2021

Le documentaire "des cœurs bombardés" accompagne le chemin de patients souffrant de traumatismes, de leur confrontation à leur cicatrisation. Nous suivrons, fait rare et exceptionnel, les séances de thérapie de patients avec le psychologue...

Désir d'autoroute
Image | France | 2018

One summer night, I meet a man at a highway rest stop. He tries to pick me up, moving awkwardly from table to table. But little by little, under the CCTV cameras, we begin to talk and get closer. An autofictious story about finding desire in a...

Un village de Calabre
Image | France, Italie, Suisse | 2015

Rosa Maria left the village on a summer day of 1931 to escape poverty. Ever since people of Riace have been watching the houses covered with ivy and lands poorer. They scan the sea from their hills and continue to cherish their two Saints Cosma...

Do You Believe in Rapture?
Image | France | 2013

Four 20 year olds, Louise, Sara, Luke and Nicolas through the last moments of their teens, between romance and friendship, skateboarding, music and celebration. They hang out, bind, compete, exist in their relation to each other. Together under a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Humus
Image | France | 2013

A few years ago, I happened upon 23 Super 8 movies shot by my father : testimony to how a father looks upon and sees his sons. Having reached the age my father was then, I am still without any child of my own to film. "Humus" imagines a primeval...