Catalogue des films de « Matthias Rajmann »

Coordonnées :

6 films
Sauerbruch Hutton Architects
Son | Allemagne | 2013

Three months in an architects’ firm in Berlin. From the architecture down to the tiniest door handle, a questioning of matter and the verb. Architects at work: a priori nothing lends itself better to cinema, nothing is more graphic than shots...

A New Product
Son | Allemagne | 2012

"For a whole year, Harun Farocki follows the meetings of Quickborner Team (QT), a Hamburg-based consulting firm that is developing a new “product”. The time of fixed, personalised offices is over. Welcome to the firms whose 80,000 square...

The Unstable Object
Son | États-Unis, Allemagne, Turquie | 2011

"At the outset, a ballet, with a de rigueurwooden floor. A theatre? No, the Volkswagen factory in Dresden, the acme of personalized high-tech production of cars fitted by hand in an automated universe, silent, all with an elegant glide. Follows...

En comparaison
Auteur, Son | Allemagne | 2009

Bricks are the resonating fundamentals of society. Bricks are layers of clay that sound, like records just simply too thick. Like records they appear in series, but every brick is slightly different not just another brick in the wall. Bricks...

Pas sans risque
Auteur, Son | Allemagne | 2004

What venture capital or VC for short actually means is explained the film itself. Banks only lend money against collateral. Those who have none have to turn to VC companies and pay interest of 40%. At least we had filmed scenes at a wide range of...

The Creators of the Shopping Worlds
Son | Allemagne | 2001

Shopping is an everyday cultural act; it is inevitable, taken for granted. Entering into the world of shopping - the world of shopping malls - can be a Dantean voyage into hell or a redeeming ceremony of Communion. Everyone is familiar with this...