Catalogue des films de « Kate Tessa Lee Kam Chung »

Coordonnées :

2 films
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage, Coproducteur 2 | Allemagne, Maurice (île) | 2019

Rodrigues, a long time isolated island impacted by modernization and climate change. A time of transition in which cultural markers are shifting and local self-improvised ways of subsistence are falling into disuse. Amidst which, the decline of a...

Sec rouge
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | Allemagne | 2018

Throughout centuries, generations of fisherwomen from Rodrigues Island have practiced the traditional metier of piqueuse ourite, octopus spearing, which was then a warrant of self-sufficiency, emancipation and social prestige. With the avenue of...