Catalogue des films de « Ivan Castineiras Gallego »

Coordonnées :

8 films
Soraya Luna
Image | Suisse | 2021

Un évènement tragique plonge la réalisatrice dans des souvenirs d'enfance refoulés. Faisant appel à des archives VHS, Elisa Gómez Alvarez nous emmène dans un conte perturbant où trois sœurs vulnérables sont dévorées par les désirs...

Trajectory Drift
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | France | 2018

In a container, between the boxes of goods, two men tell their exile. Their narratives and their infinite passages of the borders join in a common dream: reach England.

Le Baiser du silure
Image | France | 2018

A man goes in search of a catfish at dawn. Originally from the Danube, this giant fish provokes the same kind of mistrust as a foreigner suspected of disturbing the established order. Enigmatic phenomena block the fisherman’s way in a magical...

Où est la jungle ?
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | France | 2015

Two man look for their space inside the forest. Stevenson remember the memory of his discoveries and researches, Deolindo try to preserve his ancestral kind of life. In the middle of this way, it comes the transformation of a territory that...

Image | Espagne, Allemagne | 2014

Une prophétie maya avait annoncé la fin du monde pour le 21 décembre 2012. L’apocalypse ne devait épargner rien ni personne… exception faite du village de Bugarach, dans l’Aude. Soudain au centre de l’attention, le village fait soudain...

Les Chemins de Jorge
Image, Son | France, Belgique, Portugal | 2013

Jorge works as knife and scissors-sharpener. He does not stop. His journey is long, and sometimes dangerous. He fixes, he takes care and awakes sleeping memories. Little by little the world around him changes.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment C'était un géant aux yeux bruns
Son | Suisse | 2012

After her parents’ divorce, Sabina followed her mother to Switzerland while her sister, Narmina, stayed with their father in Baku. Five years later, the 17 and 19 year old sisters are reunited when Sabina comes to spend her summer vacation in...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Frontière
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | Espagne | 2012

During twenty years, Pepe and Fernando used to work together. When the border disappeared, they stopped seeing each other. It’s winter in Tras-os-montes, memories come up and the landscape seems the same as it was.