Catalogue des films de « Isabelle Martin »

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17 films
Sous les signes du sacré
Montage | France | 2006

Dans l'Ile de la Réunion, le sacré est composite : culture, religion et autres pratiques de l'ombre composent une façon toute particulière de penser le monde. Par le sacré, chacun porte et cultive ce qui l'a constitué de génération en...

biomaitres Le Temps des biomaîtres
Montage | France | 2006

From Orwell to Steven Spielberg, fiction has fed on and even foreseen technical and scientific "progress" in the field of identity control. However, to see Tom Cruise have an eye transplant in order to evade iris control in "Minority Report", you...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Un jour, je serai danseuse
Montage | France | 2005

For Camille and Colombe a dream has come true: they have entered the Paris Conservatoire for Dance. Claire and Gersande are in their forth year and prepare for an international competition. There is Elsa and her friends of the Junior Ballet, the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ethel Rosenberg, la dernière danse
Montage | France | 2003

14 July 1949 : the Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb. There has to be a culprit. On Friday 19 June 1953, before sundown, America, sick with McCarthyism, sacrifices the Rosenbergs on the altar of the cold war. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Danse du scalp : pour ou contre le PVC ?
Montage | France | 2002

Le PVC (polychlorure de vinyle), produit omniprésent autour de nous (jouets, tuyaux, câbles, ordinateurs, revêtements de sols, fenêtres, emballages plastiques...) engendre des problèmes pour l'environnement et la santé que la Commission...

Un don pour toujours
Montage | France | 2001

A father gives his son a piece of liver after having already given him a kidney ! This organ transplantation from a living donor demands an extraordinary degree of skill and competence. It is carried out at the Beaujon hospital by Professor...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une troisième à Malakoff
Montage | France | 1998

"On the border of upper and lower Malakoff, in between high rise flats and detached houses, is the Paul Bert lower secondary school with its five hundred and thirty pupils. For a whole year, I filmed the fourth-year pupils in Class A. At their...

PAS DE FOT DISPO Une journée chez ma tante
Montage | France | 1996

The "Crédit municipal de Paris" is still commonly called today "Le Mont-de-Piété", "Au Clou", "Chez ma tante". This very old institution, known by all, whose main activity is still loan on collateral, is portrayed here without indulgence. This...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Teuf
Montage | France | 1996

An escapade in the Breton countryside in search of an ideal place for a Saturday night "party". This is the everyday life of the techno generation, away from the sham and the delirium of the media. Young people from Rennes organize raves :...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment On ne tue pas que le temps
Montage | France | 1996

"On ne tue pas que le temps" tells of the political combat of men and women whose future, to say the least, is uncertain. Militants who fight against this fate which is peculiar to a generation which has to live with death. A film without pity,...

17 films