Catalogue des films de « Etienne Curchod »

3 films
La Fureur de voir
Son | Suisse, France | 2017

Faced with the threat of blindness, the director Manuel von Stürler has launched himself into a quest to find out what visual perception means. His “Lust For Sight” fuels an initiatory journey which plunges us into the world of vision, and...

Broken Land
Son | Suisse | 2014

Somewhere along the immense stretch of the border between the USA and Mexico, in a desert landscape, a small community of Americans lives in the shade of the wall erected to protect them from illegal immigrants. All see the marks of migrants...

La Clé de la chambre à lessive
Son | France, Suisse | 2013

The key to the communal laundry room in the block of flats on Rue de Genève 85 in Lausanne serves a much greater function than merely unlocking the door. This encounter between a symbol of typical Swiss mentality with a penchant for order and the...