Catalogue des films de « Emma Baus »

Coordonnées :

5 films
Là-bas sur nos rivages
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2015

For city dwellers drowned in asphalt, the beach is an ultimate horizon. But it is also a meeting place for open sea species. If it is a place of wonder for Man, it is also the scene of conflicts with the animal realm. The intensification of...

Là-haut sur la montagne
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2013

Loin du rythme trépidant des constructions humaines, la montagne est un ultime refuge pour les animaux alpins. Mais aujourd'hui, l'impact de l'homme se fait sentir même sur les hauteurs via les sports d'hiver ou le réchauffement climatique. Que...

Voler par-delà les nuages
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2010

Sky and space have always been on my dreams. I learned how to pilot before driving. But with each new covered kilometre, I can feel the oil consumption. And I wonder: how are aerospace lovers dealing with this contradiction between fly pleasure...

La Route de la non-violence
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2009

A road-movie following Indian social worker, Avani Kumar, whose life is inspired by the non-violent principles of Ghandi. Avani takes us to remote villages of his country where artisans live by their traditional skills. By doing so, they protect...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Bye Bye Cité Véron
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 2003

Located in Paris near Montmartre, the Cite Véron is a small dead end street at the crossing of very distinct identities: the Moulin Rouge, the Theatre Ouvert, the Asiathèque, the Center of Choreographic Art and the Foundation Boris Vian. I...