Catalogue des films de « Eddy Laurent »

3 films
Monsieur de Funès
Son | France | 2013

Trente ans après sa disparition, Louis de Funès reste l’un des acteurs préférés des Français et ses films, inlassablement diffusés, n’ont pas pris une ride. Quel est le secret de cet immense succès dans l’Hexagone et les pays...

Dayana Mini Market
Son | France | 2012

15-year-old Dayana studies in a hotel management school in the posh neighborhoods of Paris. She lives with her parents, a Tamil couple from Sri Lanka, and her two brothers, Soum and Nila. Dayana Mini Market is the name of the corner shop run by...

Les Scouts d'al-Mahdi
Son | France | 2010

The Al Mahdi scouts are Shiite Muslims. An Islamic community, originally from southern Lebanon, who follows the prophet Mohamed and his descendants and whose lives are affected by the Israeli-Arab conflict. The Al Mahdi scouts were created in the...