Catalogue des films de « Claire Cahu »

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6 films
Son | France, Italie | 2017

A movie about the last breath of randomness and vandalism in what's called street art.

Son | France | 2017

Au centre de transit de Lyon, les demandeurs d’asile arrivent du Soudan, d’Algérie, d’Albanie, du Congo ou de Syrie. Certains sont arrivés quelques jours auparavant, d’autres sont là depuis de longs mois. Tous attendent. La procédure...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Au jour le jour, à la nuit la nuit
Son | France | 2015

Since its founding in 1953 by Jean Oury, the clinic of La Borde has represented an important experiment in the field of psychiatry. It is also the place where I spent a part of my childhood, in the day-care with the other children of staff...

Les Étoiles du Nord
Son | France | 2013

François has lived on the streets for more than 15 years and is constantly struggling with life, but above all, with his own memories. Every day, he fights to try and keep looking to the future while his past is falling to pieces. This struggle...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Profession : solidaire
Son | France | 2010

Antoine Laffitte is a full-time volunteer for the humanitarian organization All Together in Dignity, Fourth World. Martin Hirsch is the French government's High Commissioner for Active Solidarity Against Poverty. This documentary paints the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Jothiammal Nagar
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2009

The water pumps of the slum of Jothiammal Nagar (Chennai city, India) only work three hours a day. At dawn, they get ready to collect water at the public pumps and store it.