Catalogue des films de « Anne de Mo »

Coordonnées :

8 films
Les Échappées
Montage | France, Qatar | 2022

"Escape" is a poetic and intimate journey on the path of exile, through the story of five Syrian women artists scattered in different countries. From Paris to Oslo, from La Palma to Istanbul, the protagonists recount their broken story and their...

Goodbye Jerusalem
Montage | France | 2018

Paz, Adam, Ido Danielle et Michal ont la vingtaine et font partie de la bande de jeunes qui a pris ses quartiers dans le bar underground "Uganda" de Jérusalem. Personnages hauts en couleurs, étudiants en littérature, artistes ou musiciens...

Tonnerre roulant sur Bagdad
Montage | France | 2013

Irak, 19 mars 2003 : la guerre éclate et l’invasion commence. De la préparation aux frontières à la capture de Saddam Hussein, un travail d’enquête de plus de quatre ans qui livre un éclairage inédit sur un conflit qu’on croyait...

It's All in Lebanon
Montage | France, Liban | 2012

After the 17 years of civil war, the Christians, the Muslims, the Israeli invasion, the Syrian ocupation, the Palestinian cause, the 200,000 victims, we thought it was over. For us survivors, the end of the war meant the beginning of peace. This...

Montage | Liban, Émirats arabes unis, France | 2011

It’s a film about how we choose to live today. A film about how time flies and is also suspended. It’s not a biography of my mother. Nor does it simply document my memories, my house, or my family. "Yamo" combines these elements to facilitate...

Sur place
Montage | Liban | 2009

By the filmmakers of "Massaker", of which this film is a continuation, four former professionals of the civil wars in Lebanon, relate the day-to-day business of their trade.

Maman, le Liban et Moi
Montage | Liban | 2009

I came back to Lebanon in 2005, wanting to make a film that reconciles and traces a new path, only to find my mother slowly dying and only talking about her hero Atatürk. Meanwhile Lebanon was once more sinking into hell, war with Israel, setarin...

Montage | Allemagne | 2004

Il s’agit d’un document sur le massacre perpétré pendant trois jours et trois nuits du 16 au 18 septembre 1982 par les phalangistes libanais (chrétiens) dans les camps de Sabra et Chatila, où s’étaient réfugiés et installés...