Catalogue des films de « Rémon Fromont »

Coordonnées :

41 films
La Deuxième Nuit
Image | Belgique | 2016

When his mother died, a filmmaker makes a film to see how much her disappearance has changed his vision of the world. It is an opportunity for him to look back over his relationship with her: a relationship that made him a free individual, as a...

I Don't Belong Anywhere
Image | Belgique | 2015

"I Don’t Belong Anywhere – Le Cinéma de Chantal Akerman "touches upon some of forty films by this major filmmaker. From Brussels to Tel Aviv, from Paris to New York, the documentary takes us to all of the places she visited on her travels. An...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Gué Kiamou
Image | Nouvelle-Calédonie | 2015

La vieille Kiamou, de la tribu de Néouta à Ponérihouen, se remémore avec nostalgie "la vie d’avant". Elle raconte son quotidien en préparant les feuilles de pandanus qui serviront à la confection des nattes pour les coutumes.

Before We Go
Image | Belgique | 2014

Brussels. Opera of La Monnaie. Three people at the end of their lives meet with choreographers, actors and musicians. They take part in a unique experience which involves both music, dance and silence. Their quest becomes a tribute to the...

La Corde du diable
Image | Belgique, France | 2014

As in her previous film, "Trees", Sophie Bruneau needs only one object to describe a whole world. In this case it’s barbed wire that tells a parallel history of the settlement of America. What started out as a useful tool to fence in animals...

Le Complexe du kangourou
Image | Belgique | 2014

This film raises an important question for us, parents of different children: how do we part while the situation imposes, in essence, the hand-to-hand fight??If the baby kangaroo leaves the pocket at a certain moment, the handicapped child stays...

L'Homme de sable
Image | Belgique | 2013

During his 40 years in the profession, Thierry Michel has built a rich catalogue of films and remains an insatiable director. Paying justice to the main thrust of this lifetime’s work in one film is a challenge. José-Luis Penafuerte rises to...

Le Chant de la fleur
Image | Belgique | 2013

Will an ancestral song save the Amazon? Threatened by the petroleum industry, the Amazonian people of Sarayaku lead a constant fight for their survival. Inspired by an ancestral shaman song, they commit, in an incredible challenge of universal...

Héros sans visage
Image | Belgique | 2012

Brussels, Béguinage Church: migrants organise a hunger strike to get papers. A man dies. Tunisia, Lybian border, Choucha camp. Refugees tell their horrible crossing of the Sahara to the North, showing the films made with their cellular. Liège,...

Couleur de peau : miel
Image | France, Belgique | 2012

DOCUMENTAIRE D'ANIMATION Ils sont 200 000 enfants coréens disséminés à travers le monde depuis la fin de la guerre de Corée. Né en 1965 à Séoul et adopté en 1971 par une famille belge, Jung est l’un d’entre eux. Adapté du roman...

41 films