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14961 films
Une idée de cinéma
Nereu Afonso Da Silva | Brésil, France | 2021 | 8 mn

Des rushes retrouvés quarante ans après avoir été filmés révèlent avec poésie et humour les conflits esthétiques d'une famille de cinéastes amateurs au Brésil. Une leçon de cinéma sans en être une.

Ultraviolette et le gang des cracheuses de sang
Robin Hunzinger | France | 2021 | 74 mn

A teenage girl, emerging from the past, asserts herself in front of the adult world in a long and wild monologue. She burns with life at the very moment when she is forced to stay in a sanatorium with other young girls. They quickly become...

Vingt Heures d'affilée
Noé Coussot | France | 2020 | 15 mn

Ça faisait des années qu’il faisait ce boulot. Il transportait du vrac en France et en Belgique. Un peu de tout : du bois, des céréales, des produits agroalimentaires, des engrais, du sable, et des déchets surtout.

Souvenirs de Madrid
Jacques Duron | France | 2019 | 56 mn

A portrait of Madrid, filmed as a village, a film in inventory form. Documentary but without voice-over, it is a survey of the present day, a brief socio-anthropological essay. A recital, a succession of present moments, presented without...

L'Esprit des lieux
Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer | France | 2018 | 91 mn

Legacy of his paternal heritage, Marc devotes the majority of his time to his passion: "I live in a world of sounds". This existential quest leads him to lay down roots, and family, on the edge of a forest in the Vosges mountains. As the sun sets,...

La Route de Samouni
Stefano Savona | France, Italie | 2018 | 126 mn

In the rural outskirts of Gaza City, the Samouni family is about to celebrate a wedding. It’s going to be the first celebration since the last war. Amal, Fuad, their brothers and cousins have lost their parents, their houses and their olive...

Quelle Folie
Diego Governatori | France | 2018 | 86 mn

A portrait of Aurélien, a close friend who suffers from the form of autism known as Asperger syndrome. Among the symptoms of the condition is a constant instability which makes it difficult for him to find his bearings and settle down.

Jorge Leon | Belgique, France | 2018 | 90 mn

December 2012: answering his colleague Mitra Kadivar’s SOS, psychoanalyst Jacques-Alain Miller attempts through exchanges of e-mails to free her from a psychiatric hospital in Tehran. Based on this gripping correspondence, the film gives an...

Les Petits Maîtres du Grand Hôtel
Jacques Deschamps | France | 2018 | 82 mn

Young students at the renowned Hotel School in Grenoble learn how to prepare food, serve, and clean for the world’s most prestigious hotels and restaurants. In this film at the crossroads of documentary and musical, these hopefuls sing their way...

Premières Solitudes
Claire Simon | France | 2018 | 100 mn

Between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, if you’re lucky, you are in high school. In this film, you’re in Ivry, close to Paris. You chat between classes, sometimes during classes. Sitting in the corridors, outside on a bench or a ledge with a...

14961 films