Catalogue des films de « Jocelyn Robert »

Coordonnées :

15 films
Depuis Mediapart
Son | France | 2018

"Depuis Mediapart" fait le portrait du journal Mediapart avant, pendant et après l’élection présidentielle française de 2017, à travers le récit d’une recherche personnelle et politique de la réalisatrice dans ce pays où elle vit et...

La Cour des murmures
Son | France | 2017

Un film-expérience, entre fiction et documentaire, qui propose à six jeunes d’une cité de la banlieue parisienne de jouer leur vie à partir d’une esquisse de scénario autour des jeunes et de l’amour dans la cité. De rebondissement en...

Son | Liban, Allemagne, Danemark, Égypte, France, Norvège, Qatar | 2017

Amal is a cheeky monkey. She blows the candles of others, stands up to protesting police, she smokes if she wants, she grows up if she wants. She is looking for herself. If being a woman in post revolutionary Egypt means worrying about what people...

Edgar Morin, chronique d'un regard
Son | France | 2015

From Paris to Berlin, giving lessons or visiting museums, Edgar Morin speaks about the essential part cinema had in his intellectual fulfilment, from his childhood and the discovering of social and political French, German ou Sovietic movies, to...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Dzisaj
Son | France | 2014

The winters are long and wet; dry and sweltering are the summers. This "place" is condemned to silence and petrifaction. Yet every day a large and disparate crowd invades it, bringing life by the sound of voices, by the movement of bodies, by the...

Pôle emploi, ne quittez pas
Son | France | 2013

This is the story of a team of 40 agents facing 4,000 job seekers at a job centre in the Parisian suburbs. Samia, Corinne, Thierry, Zuleika must support and monitor, bring in the numbers, obey policy guidelines and communication injunctions, and...

Le Fracas des pattes de l'araignée
Son | France | 2012

Emmanuel Croset travaille auprès de Bruno Dumont au mixage de "Hors Satan". Durant cette étape cruciale dans l'achèvement du film, les idées et les points de vue s'échangent, se confrontent et se mêlent. Témoin de cet acte de création...

Son | France | 2012

Shot on super 8, the film appears like a journey, a dream along the Narmada river in India, between myths of Progress and myths of the river. "Dams are the temples of modern India", claimed Nehru after the country's independance. Soon, one of the...

Son | France | 2011

In Mtskheta, 24 km from the Georgian capital Tbilissi, stands Samtavro, a monastery where pilgrims caress the earth.

Les Ensortilèges de James Ensor
Son | France, Belgique | 2010

The shadow of the painter James Ensor still haunts the pier of Ostende. This unclassifiable artist of the 19th and 20th centuries developed an avant-garde art where colours and patterns highlight the carnival of our world. The voice of...

15 films