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Music after a Robbery
( Música para Después de un Asalto )

Samuel Guzmán Cuevas
2011 - 85 min - DVC Pro - Couleur

Music after a robbery is a documentary about musicians in custody and one ex-convict, in five prisons of Mexico city. The music is the stand of their lifes in jail, and in their freedom. Each genre of music created in jail is called Canero, this is the language that shows us the every day's life of the musicians in prison.

Author-Director : Samuel Guzmán Cuevas
Author : Juan Guzmán Cuevas
Photography : Hugo Gúzman
Editing : Samuel Guzmán Cuevas
Delegate Producer : En la Linea


Distributor : Editions CMDE
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - Contra el silencio todas las voces, Mexico (Mexique) : Prix du Public
2011 - DocsMX - Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de México, Mexico (Mexique) : Sélection officielle