Africa Mia
Richard Minier, Édouard Salier
2018 - 80 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - France

Africa Mia is a journey through space and time, in search of the soul of Afro-Cuban music. From the beginning of the sixties on the backdrop of the Cold War until today, from Havana to Bamako, the two cities that form the cradle of the "Global Sound System", we go to discover the first world music band, the legendary Maravillas de Mali.

Author-Director : Richard Minier, Édouard Salier
Photography : Richard Minier, Édouard Salier
Sound : Evelio Manfred Gay
Editing : Julien Perrin
Delegate Producer : OFF Productions
Co-producer : Srab Films


Distributor : Srab Films


2019 - Sacem, Paris (France) : Prix Sacem du meilleur documentaire musical de création
2019 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : "Journée SACEM"