Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve

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641 films
Dites à mes amis que je suis mort
Nino Kirtadzé | France | 2003 | 87 mn

We are in western Georgia. Here, according to custom, the dead is not separated from the living. People involve them in their family life, talk to them and seek their advice. They protect the dead and they hope the dead will protect them. Death...

10949 Femmes
Nassima Guessoum | France, Algérie | 2014 | 75 mn

In Algiers, I meet Nassima Hablal, a forgotten heroine of the Algerian Revolution. Like a grandmother with her granddaughter, she tells me her story of a woman in the war, her fight for an independent Algeria. Cheerful, charming and ironical, the...

Dor de Tine
Mireille Abramovici | France | 2001 | 60 mn

Dor de tine is an untranslatable Rumanian expression: I ache for you, I love you madly... "I never knew my father... he was arrested by the Gestapo in Nice in 1944, ten days before I was born. First imprisoned in Drancy, he left on Convoy 73...

Le Dossier 332
Noëlle Pujol | France, Allemagne | 2012 | 43 mn

Through a voice-off reading of the letters kept in her social services file, the filmmaker indirectly tells the story of a childhood marked by bureaucracy. The images of landscapes edited in counterpoint banish all pathos from this very originally...

doulaye Doulaye, une saison des pluies
Henri-François Imbert | France, Allemagne | 1999 | 80 mn

"For me, the most important thing in this story is the encounter of two men. Two men from different cultures who will become friends and then split up to follow their own destiny. There is not much to find out. All you have to do is tell us...

Dr Nagesh
Vincent Detours, Dominique Henry | Belgique | 2004 | 51 mn

Le Dr Nagesh assure quotidiennement une consultation gratuite à Mumbai (Bombay). Il y reçoit des séropositifs qui ne peuvent pas payer les traitements contre le VIH. Ces hommes, femmes et enfants affrontent la maladie et le rejet des autres. Le...

East Punk Memories
Lucile Chaufour | France | 2012 | 80 mn

After 20 years, the film-maker revisits a group of young punks who struggled with the communist regime during the early 80's. How do they see life and political situation in Hungary before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall? Is this what they...

L'École des (sages) femmes
Julie Talon | France | 2001 | 52 mn

Cécile is delivering her first baby using four hands, guided by a midwife. Aurélie, in her final year, is anxious at the idea of soon being let loose on the world. Stéphanie practises on Mondays on plastic dolls in the classroom, and on...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Édouard Glissant
Jean-Noël Cristiani | France | 1993 | 50 mn

Born en 1928 in Martinique, Édouard Glissant is the author of numerous collections of poetry : "Le sang rivé", "Le sel noir", "Boises", "Un champ d'îles", "La terre inquiète", "Pays rêvé, Pays réel" and of essays (including "Soleil de la...

Les Émigrés
José Vieira | France | 2009 | 75 mn

It’s the story of a village in which almost all the inhabitants have emigrated, looking for a better life. Some left forever, others came back. Through the dialogues and the tales of the people who live in the village in August, the film tries...

641 films