Catalogue des films de « Yonathan Levy »

Coordonnées :

3 films
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | Israël, France | 2022

It was a place of extermination. Today it is a museum, visited every day by thousands of tourists of any age, gender, culture, religion and nationality. Following into the footsteps of these anonymous fellow visitors, we enter alongside them...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | France | 2010

Irma and her son André set out on a personal journey across Europe in search of a past and a story of which Irma is the last witness. Irma combines significant places, meetings and personal reunions to offer us a spontaneous, poetic and deeply...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Yehudi(m)
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 2007

Portrait d'un jeune rabin ou l'expression de la foi.