Catalogue des films de « Sebastian Mez »

Coordonnées :

5 films
Auteur-Réalisateur | Allemagne | 2014

Deux ans après son voyage sur les traces de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima, le cinéaste cherche à trouver la juste distance par rapport aux images rapportées. L'utilisation du fondu enchaîné et la persistance d'un son qui suggère la...

The Humanitarians
Image | Allemagne | 2014

It happens in the background, quite casually: a woman in a wheelchair, a minor character, smiles and waves. Suddenly her wheelchair takes off and leaves the earth with her. Anyone who notices this must wonder what is still documentary content...

Auteur-Réalisateur | Allemagne | 2013

Settle in the middle of nowhere in the south Ural région in Russia, the film is the story of people living in one of the most radioactive contaminated spots on earth. Unknown to a wide public this region was repeatedly irradiated by different...

Une lettre d'Allemagne
Auteur-Réalisateur, Son, Distributeur | Allemagne | 2011

The film focuses on the experiences of three women from Eastern Europe who left home in hope for something better and whose life is now dominated by pain and exploitation. While anonymous voices read letters which enforce the feelings and...

Clean up
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | Allemagne | 2008

It's his job to clean this special room, an execution chamber at a state prison in the United States. Everytime there is an execution, he has to recover this place as it was before. This experimental short film gives an abnormal view on the death...