Catalogue des films de « Justine Harbonnier »

Coordonnées :

3 films
Caiti Blues
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | Canada, France | 2023

Caiti Lord always wanted to be a singer. Growing up in New York, she went to a prestigious singing school, performed in Broadway shows from an early age, and was about to be quite successful. Today, snow falls in the New Mexico desert. Caiti is...

Andrew Keegan déménage
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 2016

In the Griffintown neighbourhood of Montreal, Andrew Keegan’s house is being shifted. Renamed "Mount Temple Palace" by its owner, it is about to be a part of the Brickfields entrance hall, a luxurious real estate project. The everyday life of...

Il y a un ciel magnifique et tu filmes Angèle Bertrand
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué | Canada (Québec) | 2014

One day Angele has decided to leave everything. She left her country, France, and came to United States. She had no plan, no place to go. She traveled around for few months and explored by herself the roads of the country.