Catalogue des films de « Joachim Thôme »

Coordonnées :

10 films
La Tentation du réel
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | Belgique, France | 2020

After eight years of restoration, the "Adoration of the Mystic Lamb", one of the greatest masterpieces in the history of painting, has regained its original splendor. Created by Hubert and Jan Van Eyck in 1432, this monumental painting and its...

Les Mains libres
Montage | Belgique | 2017

Frans Masereel is one of the most fascinating Belgian artists of the 20th century. His work, essentially composed of black and white engravings, is a cry of rebellion against the tragedies of his time. Forced into exile for his pacifist...

En bataille
Montage | France, Belgique | 2016

"En bataille" est un documentaire en immersion dans le quotidien de Marie L, 35 ans, directrice de prison pour hommes. Dans une relation singulière entre filmeuse et filmée, en balancement permanent entre intérieur et extérieur, "monde réel"...

Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2014

Albert Huybrechts est une énigme. Prisonnier de ses origines prolétaires et d’une famille aliénante, la musique fut son salut, sa fuite. Sa mort en 1938 ne lui laissa que peu de temps pour faire entendre ses compositions, pourtant...

L'Âge adulte
Montage | Belgique, France | 2011

In the daytime Sabrina does housework to renovate the house from which she will probably be evicted and to buy the accessories for another job. At night time, as Sarah the stripper, she tries to earn the money to pay for her training as a hospital...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment N'attends rien. N'espère rien. Donne tout.
Montage | Belgique | 2010

Recently retired, Ghiorghii established his own NGO in Léo, Burkina Faso. Despite the unpredictable electricity and the absence of Internet connection, he organizes atm lessons to train Burkinabes to web-design. He also takes care of homeless...

Algérie, images d'un combat
Montage | Belgique | 2009

As for all the modern conflicts, the Algerian war has been a high-stake target with regards to depicting images. In light of the plentiful movies shot by the French army and because of its speech, a few film directors, one of whom is René...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Au fond du jardin
Montage | Belgique | 2009

"I’ve known Sarah and Julie for many years. Sarah was a very close friend during adolescence, and I shared most of my childhood with Julie. Some years later I found them both working in professions that required taking care of others: Sarah as a...

Mémoire d'envol
Montage | Belgique | 2008

“Those Waiting for the Birds” is the portrait of a game: “pigeon racing”. Through passionate pigeon racers, such as Robert Calonne, an old mason and famous champion, Serge Taillieu, a young unemployed but diligent player, or Herbots...

Avant que les murs tombent
Montage | Pays-Bas, Belgique | 2008

Near Charleroi, Colin lives alone with his mother in a dilapidated house which caves in each day a little more. Facing misery, he writes with his buddies in his room, transformed into a kind of improvised "youth centre". Rap. As safety valve and...

10 films