Catalogue des films de « Jean-Paul Lebesson »

Coordonnées :

10 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Voyage à Bagassi
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2003

It has been a long time since François returned to his Volta village that he left 50 years ago, in the days of colonisation. Retired at last, François decides to go and visit his mother who is almost one hundred years old, accompanied by his...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Rumeur du Riale
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2003

Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso is the capital city of one of the poorest countries in the world. This is where every other year a first-rate cultural event is organized: FESPACO, dedicated to black cinema. For its 18th occurrence, FESPACO pays...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Théâtre et Lycée, rencontre(s)
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2002

At the Centre Dramatique National de Savoie, professionals are rehearsing "L’Ile des esclaves" by Marivaux. At the same time, some high school students, who have never been to the theatre, are studying the same text, which is prescribed reading...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Urbs et Civitas
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1998

For seven years, Bernard Devert and his team have been engaged in a very voluntarist action with the leitmotiv : "break down isolation, promote ethnic and social mixing, make what is urban a factor of integration rather than of rifts and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À la recherche de F. comme Mouna
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1997

In 1993, Mouna, Anissa her sister and two other girls of Tunisian origin set up the dance company "Icilaba". After two shows, when their work was beginning to be noticed by the public and the professionals, during a holiday visit, their father...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Préparatifs pour jeux de guerre
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1995

The trilogy of "War Plays" by Edward Bond consistently raises questions that any modern man might raise regarding history. How can one remain human when the inhuman continues to lurk near us ? Edward Bond is a poet of great talent and his trilogy...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Plomb, l'encre, la liberté
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1995

In 1940, straight away after the German invasion, the national press is divided in two : the important national papers retreat to the Free Zone. Lyon welcomes a whole brilliant group of Parisian journalists. Lyon is already the centre of an...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment S. R., enquête sur un tueur d'images
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1993

In 1954 the poet Stanislas Rodanski suddenly left the "Paris stage" and disappeared, scarcely anuone knew what had become of him. Twenty five years later "Victory in the shadow of the wings" was published and it became a cult-book very quickly....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Photos de mes cinq albums à mes frais quoique nimbées de couleurs vives
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1992

Léon C. has lived for 38 years at the psychiatric hospital in Lyon. For 27 years he worked in the kitchens. Changes in the 80's forced him to leave that "employement", he can't bear it. The inscriptions in an album from which the photos have...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Passant : Walter Benjamin
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1990

Ce film est l’évocation du philosophe allemand Walter Benjamin qui se suicida en 1940 alors qu'il fuyait le nazisme. Les réalisateurs parcourent les lieux de passage de Benjamin : Berlin, ville de son enfance, qu'il doit fuir en 1933, Paris,...

10 films