Catalogue des films de « Danielle Arbid »

Coordonnées :

7 films
Allo chérie
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | France, Liban | 2015

A woman drives around Beirut, constantly talking on the phone. She is calling a bank. She is calling those who owe her money. She is calling those who lend and those who borrow. She’s my mother.

Conversations de salon II
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2009

"There are always four together, always in the same decor, two armchairs, a coffee table and a sofa. We are in Bayreuth, in the home of a rich Christian family. Every day at 4 p.m., the mistress of the house (the filmmaker’s mother) receives her...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Conversations de salon 4/5/6
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2008

À Beyrouth, ma mère reçoit tous les jours, vers 17h00. Installées dans son salon, ses amies déballent leurs vies. L'espoir succède au désespoir. La parole fuse. Les secrets éclatent. Et même le bonheur fait l'objet de surenchères.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Dans les champs de bataille
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Liban | 2004

Beyrouth, 1993. Lina's secret life turns around Siham, the maid of her aunt, of six years her elder. The little girl keeps the secret of Siham's love and defends her interests. Living in an uncertain daily life of war, passions and frustrations....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Conversations de salon 1/2/3
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2004

In Beyrouth, my mother invites her friends daily at five o’clock in the afternoon. In the living room her friends talk about their life. Hope follows despair and euphoria fit succeeds to hysteria fit. I’ve filmed these middle-class women, some...

Aux frontières
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Belgique | 2002

I have always wanted to make a long journey in the East. I would leave from Beirut in the direction of Cairo, passing through Haifa, Tel-Aviv and Gaza. I would take the coastal road, alongside the Mediterranean, as far as the Sinai desert... The...

Seule avec la guerre
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Belgique | 2000

After a long civil war, which lasted 16 years, Beirut today is in the process of being rebuilt. However, behind the peaceful facade, the country lives in the shadow of the war. Those who waged the war are free to walk the streets with impunity...