Catalogue des films de « Colette Constantini »

Coordonnées :

4 films
Son | France | 2012

Lightning, a legend un four seasons. This panorama is a filmic zigzag that forks out like a bolt of lightning. Its subject straddles several countries and centuries simultaneously. Its form is somewhere between documentary and legend.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Premières Sensations artistiques
Son | France | 2009

An unusual yellow bus crosses the areas of town and in the country. Inside, an imaginary space, created by artists, invite the babies from 0 to 2 and their parents to meetings like nothing else. A meaningful approach, atypical, rare, engaged......

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Trêve
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2007

S’écarter de la route pour interrompre une course vertigineuse et se réveiller - ou rêver encore – dans un haras ancestral. Un lieu momentanément réinvesti par la nature, où l’action de l’habitude semble suspendue, et où la...

L'Été à Zedelbeek
Son | France | 2007

DOCU-FICTION The story takes place in Belgium. In the mid-60s, man films his family: his wife, his daughter, his mother. With time, those images take over... In Zedelbeek, the camera turns their lives upside down.