Catalogue des films de « Claire Mathon »

Coordonnées :

22 films
Un cœur perdu et autres rêves de Beyrouth
Image | France, Liban | 2023

In Beirut, boys dive, cats moan, an old lady smokes, a guardian of the dead sighs, young people dance. Among them, around them, dreams arise: stories of missing children, camp shrinking, collapse. Beirut is haunted.

Un film dramatique
Image | France | 2019

What are we doing together? A recurring question for the students of the film group at Dora Maar middle school, and for Éric Baudelaire who worked with them over their four years starting in the 6th grade. Answering this political question –...

Sur les pentes des collines
Image | France, Algérie | 2018

The Maghreb youth has been able to invent words expressing the persistent frustration of being held in contempt by the generations who led the independence so as to gain income from it: "hogra" (humiliation) or "dégoûtage" (something that...

Symphonie pour hypermarché
Image | France | 2018

A social comedy with a grandiose musical twist: The iron curtain rises at Saint-Nazaire Leclerc hypermarket (in Brittany), as it does every day. As the day goes, employees shift, goods get accumulated in shopping carts, the packages pile up... as...

La Fureur de voir
Image | Suisse, France | 2017

Faced with the threat of blindness, the director Manuel von Stürler has launched himself into a quest to find out what visual perception means. His “Lust For Sight” fuels an initiatory journey which plunges us into the world of vision, and...

Nul homme n'est une île
Image | France | 2017

This film is a journey around Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Alps where we discover men and women working locally to bring alive the spirit of democracy and to produce a landscape of good government. From the farmers of Le Galline Felici...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Chacun sa bonne (Makhdoumin)
Image | France, Liban, Norvège | 2016

Domestic work is a real market in Lebanon, segmented according to the national and ethnic origins of the workers and in which the Lebanese employer is master and the worker the property. Zein owns a domestic worker agency in Beirut. He arranges...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Des hommes debout
Image | France, Liban | 2015

On Boulevard de Belleville, in Paris’s 20th arrondissement, a call shop serves as an informal clubhouse for immigrant men. Time seems to be suspended as they mill around and chat. I observe them in this space, a small land that has become the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Fils étranger
Image | France | 2015

Answering the "call" of his native Algeria, of which he only retains childhood memories, 50-year-old Omar returns there after many years. There seems to be a path unfolding just for him, and it is tortuous. A providential child will guide him. The...

La Ligne de partage des eaux
Image | France | 2013

La ligne de partage des eaux s’inscrit dans le périmètre du bassin versant de la Loire, de la source de la Vienne sur le plateau de Millevaches jusqu’à l’estuaire. Le bassin versant, et non pas le fleuve Loire ! C’est-à-dire le plan...

22 films