Catalogue des films de « Cédric Zoenen »

Coordonnées :

19 films
Une vie comme une autre
Montage | Belgique, France | 2023

Faustine's father immortalized in family films the most beautiful moments of his life, while her mother's difficulties hit the blind spot of his images. Today, she revisits these images to tell a different story: that of a woman who sees her role...

Une des mille collines
Montage | Belgique, France | 2023

They did not know that in Rwanda, being born a Tutsi was a crime. The lives of Fiacre, Fidéline and Olivier ended in 1994. The last days of these children are intertwined with three times: the memory of the genocide, the Gacaca trials of 2005 and...

Montage | Belgique | 2022

One day, the tree is considered mature. In any case, it is exploitable for the industry. So we mark it and then cut it down. With the chainsaw or the harvester, it depends. And then it becomes biomass, pallets, panels, pellets, crates, paper pulp...

La Vie en kit
Montage | Belgique | 2022

Une cité en acier qui fait jaser dans le voisinage. Des maisonnettes japonisantes dessinées par leurs futurs acheteurs. Un chantier en kit confié à des étudiants. À Bruxelles, Liège et Charleroi, trois architectes et une poignée...

Lettre à Nikola
Montage | Belgique | 2021

The audiovisual letter to the unborn child is an intimate confession on the border between the personal and the social. In despair and frustration with the state of the world, a testimony to a time gone awry is born. The rescue ship Aquarius,...

Albert, berger
Montage | Belgique | 2020

Albert François Ciocca, a native of Marseille, lived between 1907 and 1963, the year of his death, in the region of Montagne de Lure, where he worked as a shepherd. The shepherd Albert – this is how he called himself – would have fallen...

L'Esprit de la ruche
Montage | Belgique | 2018

Au milieu des montagnes mexicaines, dans le village de Duva-Yoo, vit une petite communauté. Sa croissance démographique est rapide et l’immigration, évidemment clandestine, d’une partie de ses habitants vers les Etats-Unis joue un rôle...

Montage | Belgique | 2017

1910. Charlotte Dufrène, a former demimondaine secluded in elegant society close to Paris, has to accept a strange proposal: to become the pretend companion of Raymond Roussel, an eccentric writer and secret homosexual. She would spend...

Montage | Belgique | 2017

Ninety-year-old sound artist Henry "Sandy" Jacobs, who lives a wayward existence on a mountain in Northern California, introduces us to his eccentric 84-year-old friend and neighbour, architect Daniel Liebermann. The wise fool Sandy lives in the...

Montage | Belgique | 2016

The walls of a prison. The voices and screams of the prisoners escape from the litany of days.

19 films