Catalogue des films de « Ben Rivers »

Coordonnées :

5 films
Let Us Persevere In What We Have Resolved Before We Forget
Image, Son | États-Unis, France | 2013

For a long while now, we have all known of the particular characteristics of Ben Russell to sail unconcerned and without any particular commitment between several genres of work. From the scrupulous ethnographic documentary to the completely...

Un sort pour éloigner les ténèbres
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage 2 | France | 2012

A film in three parts featuring truly original writing. Filmmakers Ben Russell and Ben Rivers give us a strange, singular look at the world, in the space between proclaimed spirituality and pervading consumerism. From pagan re-enactors to failed...

Two Years at Sea
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | Royaume-Uni | 2011

Season after season, with his old 16mm camera and black-and-white film, Ben Rivers records the singularity of space and time in the life of Jake, who has chosen a hermit’s existence.

Slow Action
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | Royaume-Uni | 2010

In 16-millimetre cinemascope, the three Pacific islands filmed by Ben Rivers (plus the fictional island “Somerset”) immediately place Slow Action in the realm of science fiction. Mid-way between a bio-geographical treaty and Werner Herzog’s...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment I Know Where I'm Going
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué | Royaume-Uni | 2009

“What would be left of human action, human traces, human constructions, human buildings and wider ripple effects of humans after that length of time... assuming, that humans disappear in the geologically near future.” A fragmented road trip...