Catalogue des films de « Basile Carré-Agostini »

Coordonnées :

10 films
Elle l'a bien cherché
Image, Son | France | 2018

250,000 rapes or attempted rapes are committed every year in France. 16,000 complaints are filed. After an average of a 4-year process, only 1,600 will go to court. Meaning one complaint in ten, or only 10%. Marie, Manon, Michèle, Muriel… Four...

Poutine, le Nouvel Empire
Son | France, , Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Lituanie, Portugal | 2016

Russia’s brutal change in tone on the international scene since 2013 and Vladimir Putin’s extreme popularity in Russia are not just by chance. They are merely part of the first stage in a plan conceived by an extraordinary politician acclaimed...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Bienvenue la chance
Montage | France | 2014

Un turfiste abonné à la défaite décide de reprendre en main les rênes de son destin en achetant son propre cheval de course. Un ami dépressif se propose pour l'accompagner dans cette aventure de la dernière chance, tandis qu'un courtier...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Outsider
Montage | France | 2013

Martial Ragot est infirmier, marié, père de cinq enfants, propriétaire d’une maison, de deux voitures, et il est criblé de dettes. C’est aussi un turfiste plein d’entrain qui hante les hippodromes. A première vue, cette passion le...

Poutine pour toujours ?
Son | France, Belgique | 2013

In March 2012, Vladimir Putin wins the presidential elections with a large majority following Medvedev’s term of office. Around the same time, thousands of Russians took to the street in protest against the power that Putin, a former KGB...

Chine, le nouvel empire
Montage | France, Belgique | 2012

In the moment that China manages to be the second economic world power, in front of Japan and behind the United States, there takes place in Shangai the first universal exhibition organized in a considered country, a few time ago, like a...

Les Travailleu(r)ses du sexe
Son | France, Belgique | 2009

In the name of consumer freedom, the number of erotic fairs and video porn companies has increased with growing market economy. And, whereas prostitution is largely tolerated by most countries, in France Nicolas Sarkozy has brought in a new law...

Indices (de développement humain)
Image, Son | France | 2009

Vincent Glenn s’est penché avec la coopérative DHR (Direction Humaine des Ressources) sur les indicateurs de richesse en général et sur le Produit Intérieur Brut en particulier (PIB). Depuis la mise en place de la comptabilité nationale...

Le Système Poutine
Image | France | 2007

Was Vladimir Putin really an unknown outsider when he reached the throne of power? Supreme arbitrator in the Kremlin, Putin has coldly and methodically constructed a system in Russia where the former KGB and his henchmen have privatized the state,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Cinq Hommes et un Garage
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2006

Robert Lechevalier renovates magnificent old motorcycles in the back of the garage of which he is the owner and where two employees and salesmen prepare, sell and repair licence free vehicles. He vibrates with pleasure, heedless as the hours flee...

10 films