Catalogue des films de « Arnaud Soulier »

Coordonnées :

15 films
Son | Vietnam | 2018

Hanoi, Vietnam. Pomelo neighborhood must be razed to the ground to build a new ring road. Several groups of migrant workers coming from rural provinces are struggling to make a living from the demolition. Living in violent and precarious...

Another City
Son | Vietnam | 2016

When the urban landscape shapes the human relations: a mature woman, a bride and a group of young people seek proximity in the anonymity of the big city. A drenched woman taking off her wig, gazing out of the glass windows, a young man bursting...

J'ai oublié
Son | France | 2014

The very wide angle captures in a generous gesture the life of a young man, Hoa, who is often surrounded with his group of friends. Following Hoa, busy with various odd jobs, we go from a supermarket to a bar, then in a backyard, we join a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Ciotat, mon bleu des origines
Son | France | 2012

Le narrateur-cinéaste, en exploration d’une "carte du tendre" des lieux de vacances de son enfance, arpente des lieux de mémoire de La Ciotat - les siens et d’autres officiels - où l’individuel et le collectif se croisent dans une...

Son | France | 2011

I left for South America looking for a lost person. I was alone in a too biger nature ; I became insane.

Le Sang des femmes
Son | France | 2011

The Pokot live in the northwest region of Kenya and in parts of Uganda. They are a proud and fiercely independent people with a strong cultural identity and vigorous traditions. One of these traditions is female mutilation: a required rite of...

Congo, les méandres de la démocratie
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2011

Au travers d’une expérience initiée conjointement par la République du Congo, la France, et l’Union Européenne, pour renforcer la société civile dans ce pays, dans une volonté de paix sociale et de démocratie après dix ans de guerre...

Redemption Song
Son | France | 2010

In March 1967, Billy Bang was conscripted to fight in Vietnam, an experience that left him emotionally desolate and profoundly confused about his American identity. Upon his return, he tried to forget his nightmares through alcohol, drugs and...

Je cherche Jeanne
Son | France | 2010

Raconter Jeanne d'Arc avec ses mots lors de son procès, et, par la mise en abyme d'un casting, s'approcher de son mystère. "Je cherche Jeanne" s'installe, le temps d’une année scolaire, au sein du conservatoire de musique de Rouen, pour...

Bonaparte vu d'Égypte
Son | France | 2009

Napoleon's expedition to Egypt some 200 years ago is intentionally portrayed as an act of post-revolutionary humanism. But we often ignore how the Egyptians perceived and reacted to this occupation, which laid the groundwork for future French...

15 films