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14961 films
De chaque instant
Nicolas Philibert | France | 2018 | 105 mn

Each year, tens of thousands of young women study in programmes to become trained nurses. At the "Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers", they share their time between theoretical lectures, practical exercises and internships in the...

Troisième Printemps
Arnaud de Mézamat | France | 2017 | 80 mn

Behind the walls of a since demolished monastery on the southern outskirts of Paris that had been converted into a residential care home for infants by the children’s welfare service, something that only very rarely occurs took place: an...

Rencontres en Guyane
Xavier Gayan | France | 2017 | 90 mn

La Guyane est peu connue à l’extérieur. En 2017, avant les élections présidentielles, alors qu‘un mouvement social sans précèdent avait mis ce département français sous les projecteurs, Emmanuel Macron avait demandé de ne pas bloquer...

BE'JAM BE et cela n'aura pas de fin
Cyprien Ponson, Caroline Parietti | France, Suisse | 2017 | 97 mn

In Sarawak, one of the two Malay states on the island of Borneo, "the ones who live upstream" are the first affected by the deforestation. The Penan, once a nomadic people, are caught today in the eye of that storm: how to go on living when...

Maman Colonelle
Dieudo Hamadi | France, Congo Kinshasa (RDC) | 2017 | 72 mn

Colonel Honorine, more commonly known as "Mama Colonel", works for the Congolese police force and heads the unit for the protection of minors and the fight against sexual violence. Having worked for 15 years in Bukavu, in the east of the...

Temps libre
Elsa Doniol-Valcroze | France | 2017 | 49 mn

Through the crossed portraits of Bernard Michaud, forester and preparer of wood for instrument makers, and Thierry Gomar percussionist-improviser and conservatory professor, the film compares two learning paths, that each reaffirm the essential...

Ouaga Girls
Theresa Traore Dahlberg | Suède, Burkina Faso, France | 2017 | 80 mn

A group of young women from the outskirts of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, meet at the feminist education centre to study to become car mechanics. "Ouaga Girls" is a poetic coming-of-age story of sisterhood, life choices, and the...

Nul homme n'est une île
Dominique Marchais | France | 2017 | 96 mn

This film is a journey around Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Alps where we discover men and women working locally to bring alive the spirit of democracy and to produce a landscape of good government. From the farmers of Le Galline Felici...

Après l'ombre
Stéphane Mercurio | France | 2017 | 96 mn

Une longue peine, comment ça se raconte ? C’est étrange ce mot qui signifie punition et chagrin en même temps. Ainsi s’exprime Didier Ruiz lorsqu’il entreprend la mise en scène de son dernier spectacle monté avec d’anciens détenus de...

Ahí Na'Ma
Valentin Langlois, Laurent Benhamou | France | 2017 | 52 mn

Ahi Na'Ma presents the artistic and human encounter between Lindigo and Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, two cultures, two clans, two families of exceptional musicians. When Creole Reunion and Cuban roots mingle, highlighting links, visible and...

14961 films