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Politique > Conflit > Conflit en ex Yougoslavie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

104 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Printemps 94
Michèle Gard | France | 1994 | 5 mn

Paris, Sarajevo, so far, so near...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Chronique de Sarajevo
Patrick Nedelec, Leila Derkaoui | France | 1993 | 52 mn

Sarajevo has been at war for ten months. We are in February 1993. Two young journalists live for ten days and nights in the hospital and with various families in the heart of the besieged city. Every street, every glance bears witness to the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Vis-à-vis : Matko et Ana, Zdenko et Dragica
Kim Spencer, Patrice Barrat | France | 1993 | 52 mn

It's been almost three years of war and atrocities in ex-Yugoslavia... Can two couples, one Croatien and the other Serbian, still talk to each other and agree on something ? On one side, in Zagreb, Matko and Ana Marusic openly present themselves...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Vivre à Sarajevo
Patrice Barrat, Ramdane Issaad, Ademir Kenovic, Corinne Godeau | France | 1993 | 52 mn

What can one do against the feeling of having already seen and heard everything about Sarajevo and ex-Yougoslavia ? But the mere simplicity of its location and time-scale, "Sarajevo Life" aims to close the gap. The chosen setting is a street. A...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Sniper
Jean-Jacques Birgé | France | 1993 | 3 mn

A man is imagining what would happen if he was shot by a sniper. The sniper is hesitating.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Crépuscule du siècle - Le Testament de L. Z.
Lordan Zafranovic | France, Croatie | 1993 | 100 mn

In this film, the director darts the destructive ideology of aggressive nationalism and nazism which today, once again, shakes the whole of Europe. In speaking of the past, we talk about the present and also look to the future which is now...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ordinary People
Angela Pope | France | 1993 | 50 mn

En août 1992, à Karlovac (Croatie), l'ONU a ouvert un camp de transit pour accueillir les réfugiés bosniaques, civils fuyant leurs villes et villages dévastés, prisonniers des camps de concentration serbes devant être transférés dans...

salue-sarajevo Je vous salue, Sarajevo
Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Miéville | Suisse | 1993 | 2 mn

Ce qu’il dit dans "Je vous salue, Sarajevo" vaut toujours : «"l y a la culture qui est de la règle, il y a l’exception qui est de l’art." À titre d’exemples, il cite Flaubert et Dostoïevski, Gershwin et Mozart, Cézanne et Vermeer,...

sarajevoff1 Sarajevo Film Festival
Johan Van der Keuken | Pays-Bas | 1993 | 14 mn

Sarajevo, in the twenthieth month of the siege. Despite the critical situation, the city organise a film festival. Johan Van der Keuken is invited and presents "Face Value" and "Brass Unbound". He also takes advantage of the opportunity to...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Paroles de réfugiés
Sandrine Morch, Éric Guéret | France | 1993 | 18 mn

Testimonies from Bosnian refugees who ran away from the hell of Banja-Luka/Paijedor area. An incredible established fact from innocent civilians and from the humanitarian organization "Médecins sans frontières" regarding the "ethnic purification".

104 films