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Sciences humaines > Religion-Spiritualité > Chamanisme

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

84 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Vanishing Worlds... The Mentawaï
Christian Cascio | France | 1994 | 47 mn

An immense archipelago in the heart of Indonesia was once open to a great variety of cultural and religious influences. Sometimes during the Stone Age, amazingly, one small island amidst this vast constellation separated from the rest of Indonesia...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Nuit des Indiens Pumé
Jean-Paul Colleyn, Catherine de Clippel | Belgique | 1993 | 110 mn

Whereas westerners continue to idealize the "free and noble savage", the Pumé Indians in Venezuela dream of trucks, planes and employment. All through the night, the Pumé Indians relate by the means of songs to a spirit world composed of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Oboo
Jean-Louis Brechat, Véronique Legendre | France | 1993 | 45 mn

In the 14th century, the Mongolian people were converted from the practice of Shamanistic rites to Lamaist Buddhism. They embraced the new faith, however without abandoning their archaic cult. The "oboo", as the sacred mounds of oferings are...

Les Cloches des profondeurs
Werner Herzog | Allemagne, États-Unis | 1993 | 60 mn

Pualasakan, fête des chamanes Puyuma
Josiane Cauquelin | France | 1993 | 59 mn

A Balinese Trance Seance
Timothy Asch, Patsy Asch, Linda Connor | Australie, États-Unis | 1980 | 28 mn

Jero on Jero, a Balinese trance seance observed
Patsy Asch, Timothy Asch, Linda Connor | Australie | 1980 | 17 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Coyote: I Like Amerika and Amerika Likes Me
Joseph Beuys, Helmut Wietz | Allemagne | 1974 | 35 mn

"This film describes German artist Joseph Beuys’ act in 1974. He arrived at Kennedy Airport wrapped in a blanket and was carried to an art gallery in New York without ever touching the ground. There, a coyote, the symbol of primitive and free...

La Mort magique
Napoléon Chagnon, Timothy Asch | États-Unis | 1973 | 29 mn

Une thérapie
John K. Marshall | États-Unis | 1969 | 9 mn

84 films