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Continents-Zones géogr. > Asie > Thaïlande

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

63 films
luminous1 Luminous People
Apichatpong Weerasethakul | Portugal | 2007 | 16 mn

A group of people is in a boat travelling along Mekong River, that stretches along the Thai-Laos border. They are running against the wind, anticipating a farewell. In the middle of the river, the lady head of the family casts the ashes off into...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Bangkok, insectes frits à toute heure
Matthias Heeder, Monika Hielscher | Allemagne | 2007 | 43 mn

Patpong, le quartier chaud de Bangkok, la nuit. Des noctambules, de jeunes prostitué(e)s accompagné(e)s de leurs clients étrangers, des touristes et des conducteurs de tuk-tuk flânent sur les trottoirs. Des cuisines ambulantes et des buvettes...

Sur la trace du dragon
Jean-Marie Nizan, Stéphane Bergouhnioux | France | 2007 | 40 mn

Pillage siamois
Stéphane Poulle | France | 2007 | 27 mn

dong01 Dong
Jia Zhang-Ke | Chine | 2006 | 70 mn

Chine, 2005 : le peintre Liu Xiaodong se rend dans la région des Trois Gorges. À Fengjie, les travaux de démolition qui effacent la vieille ville, qui sera bientôt engloutie sous les eaux du barrage, emplissent l’air du son incessant des...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Syndromes and a Century
Apichatpong Weerasethakul | Thaïlande, Autriche, France | 2006 | 105 mn

"Syndromes and a Century" is a film in two parts, which sometimes echo each other. The two central characters are inspired by the filmmaker's parents, in the years before they became lovers. The first part focuses on a woman doctor, and is set in...

Le Temps du cinéma thaïlandais
Hubert Niogret | France | 2006 | 54 mn

Evolution of Thaï cinema in the last 40 years.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Mo Philip, un médecin à Pattaya
Mathurin Peschet | France | 2005 | 50 mn

Since 1998, doctor Philip has been living and working in Pattaya in Thaïland. This activist of fight against AIDS provides the main thing : access to the Anti-Retro-Viral drugs. He greets AIDS sufferers at his place and, with the help of three...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Paris Bangkok
Erik Jourdil | France | 2005 | 52 mn

A documentary film set in Thailand. A film in the first person by Erik Jourdil looking for his former lover. Hanging around the bars, streets and towns of his former lover’s past life, feeling angry sometimes sympathetic, the author tries to...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Derrière la palissade
Séverine Vanel | France | 2005 | 47 mn

"Fenced-in" is a film about Burmese women and their daily struggle in exile. The struggle to forget a history tainted with pain and hardship. The struggle to endure everyday life behind closed doors, living within the confines of a fence at the...

63 films