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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > Portugal > Lisbonne

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

35 films
S. Mamede, Lisboa
Mauro Santini | 2007 | 18 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Quinta da Curraleira
Tiago Hespanha | France, Portugal | 2006 | 19 mn

Following the demolition of the shanties and the construction of new buildings for the relocation of the residents of the old neighbourhood of Curraleira, an empty space was left. This film is about that place, about the encounters, the stories...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Parque Mayer, vues et revue
Simon Berjeaut | France | 2005 | 80 mn

Le théâtre Maria Vitoria s'apprête à tirer définitivement le rideau sur le dernier spectacle avant la destruction du quartier. Au cœur de Lisbonne, le Parque Mayer est une étrange oasis urbaine, véritable ville dans la ville. Jadis...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Lisbonne, grandir sous un ciel inconstant
Catarina Mourão | France, Portugal | 2003 | 47 mn

Un portrait de Lisbonne à travers le regard de trois jeunes Lisboètes, témoins privilégiés des changements qu’a connus la capitale depuis vingt ans.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Antonio Tabucchi, géographie d'un écrivain
Miroslav Sebestik | France | 2002 | 70 mn

Born in Pisa in 1943, Antonio Tabucchi has written many stories and novels. Is he really Italian ? He is, in any case, one of the most European of contemporary writers. He writes not only in Italian, but in French and Portuguese as well....

Dans la chambre de Vanda
Pedro Costa | Portugal, Allemagne, Italie, Suisse | 2000 | 170 mn

"In "Ossos" (1997), Pedro Costa filmed the social outcasts of the Fontainhas district on the outskirts of Lisbon. Expelled from the human community, the characters float in the endless hiatus induced by drugs, hunger and poverty. In the present...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Lisbonne existe-t-elle ?
Yves de Peretti | France, Portugal | 1998 | 56 mn

This film confronts the Lisbon-décor – the one that inspires film-makers and delights tourists – and the "real" town of those who live there every day. On a walk with the actress Inês de Medeiros, a dozen natives of Lisbon each reveal a more...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Expo
Éric Fersing, Julien Helgueta | Belgique | 1998 | 11 mn

Photographies and sounds were taken at the "Exposition universelle" 1998. A discovery of an ephemeral city as the visitors walk by.

Yves de Peretti, Inês De Medeiros | France | 1998 | 43 mn

Un port, des rues en pente qu’escalade le tramway... Lisbonne évoque des images de cinéma mais s’ancre aussi dans le réel. Déambulation en compagnie de l’actrice Inès de Meideros.

Afro Lisboa
Ariel de Bigault | France, Portugal | 1997 | 60 mn

Following Portuguese decolonisation, African immigration from Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde progressively changed the profile of Lisbon. But today who are these second generation Portuguese who feel their African roots very strongly and were...

35 films