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Continents-Zones géogr. > Asie > Cisjordanie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

38 films
La Couleur des oliviers
Carolina Rivas | Mexique | 2006 | 58 mn

En 2002, les Israéliens débutent la construction d'un mur dans le but de prévenir les attaques terroristes palestiniennes dans les colonies des territoires occupés de Cisjordanie. La phase A du Mur commence à 60 km au nord du village de Masha...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Territory I, II, III
Marine Hugonnier | Royaume-Uni | 2005 | 24 mn

Territory I (White lies) looks at the way Tel Aviv wants to see itself, a modernist heritage city in the Bauhaus style, the so-called “White city”. In 2003, UNESCO’s acceptance of this image reveals the way an urban myth can enter a...

Closing your Eyes
Robin Hunzinger | France | 2005 | 83 mn

In the West Bank, the people are not the only daily victims of the occupation, also is the territory. Everywhere, the country is shredded, almost unreadable after the violence exerted on the landscape, voluntarily, systematically. Walls hide the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Death of an Icon
Marine Hugonnier | Royaume-Uni | 2005 | 8 mn

Death of an icon was filmed two days before Yasser Arafat’s death was officially announced. It’s a quiet gaze through every day scenes in Ramallah, Palestine. The film records the situation a couple of days before this imminent political...

ecrivains-frontieres Écrivains des frontières
Samir Abdallah, José Reynes | France | 2004 | 80 mn

At the time of the siege of Ramallah, the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish is forbitten to go to the invitations of the International Parliament Writers, Russell Banks, the Nigerian Wole Soyinka, the Portuguese José Saramago, the Chinese Bei Dao,...

Yoav Shamir | Israël | 2003 | 58 mn

Parmi les 3 millions de Palestiniens qui résident en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza, nombreux sont ceux qui doivent régulièrement se déplacer pour se rendre à l’école, à l’université, à des consultations médicales ou pour faire...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Chronique d'un siège
Samir Abdallah | France | 2003 | 55 mn

The filmmaker Samir Abdallah was received by Yasser Arafat in the Moquata’a, Arafat’s HQ, held under siege by the Israeli Army. He went into the Moquata’a on a Palestinian civilian aid mission. Like most of his colleagues, he expected the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Palestine, une école en souffrance
Benoît Califano | France | 2003 | 50 mn

From Hebron to Ramallah, from Bethlehem to Jenin, this film reports on a school system that is suffering. Education has long been highly valued by the Palestinians, but since the start of the second intifada, Palestinian schools have been...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Liberté chérie
Fabrice Losego | Suisse | 2003 | 33 mn

Basam and his friends have secretly fled Gaza to look for work in Ramallah in the West Bank. But in occupied Ramallah, they must hide in the small clothing factory wich employes them, sheltered from the Israeli patrols wich roam the city during...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Detail
Avi Mograbi | Israël | 2003 | 8 mn

An ordinary news item in the occupied territories. A Palestinian family wants to go to hospital. An Israeli armoured car blocks the road and prevents them getting past. A face-to-face confrontation between the blind mass of the armoured car and...

38 films